Big Hospital additions

This week: helipad, nursery, MRI room and some other stuff. Next week I'm gonna add a slide from the helipad that loops around a wall and down into the liquid nitrogen snow room. Also, a biohazard bubbled-in quarantine room. The "H" on the helipad isn't really 3-D but a painting of an H on the surface. 


52" x 62" graphite in progress

Most Kickstarter awards have been created

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD - I have 1,300 mailing tubes and 1,500 feet of 24" wide bubble wrap sitting in my studio. Three skids of stuff. But I have no complaints! At the moment I'm posting this there are 48 hours left in my Kickstarter campaign and it's more than 1000% funded. Now it's time to become an organize adult/business person and get this shit mailed out in a timely, professional manner.