I had three more in me
Fliers for show
The gallery made one and I made one. Guess which is which? Here's the press release.
Last one for a while
2 more 'Nuts
3 more donuts
7 new donuts
Getting close to finishing
52" x 62" watercolor on paper - in progress
Greasy Sinkers - save the date
Save the date: Sat. Oct. 19 (11am-1 pm) for my Saturday brunch opening of "Greasy Sinkers" at Ryan/Lee Gallery. More info to come....
Getting brighter...
52" x 62" watercolor
Donuts in a vitrine
Getting 300+ donuts ready for an October show
sketchbook heads
Inspired by Renee French
Sketchbook 8-11-13
FONDLY by Colin Winnette is out
I did the cover and a slew is illos inside. Two novellas - I loved both of them. Check Colin's blog for more good stuff.
Death Donut
Adrian ordered his donut from the store (Thanks!) - he wanted it to represent "DEATH."