In addition to speaking, teaching and critiquing graduate and under graduate art classes, I also speak to younger students. My talks range from engaging with elementary school kids about my real-life treasure hunt book The Clock Without a Face, reviewing college-bound art portfolios for high school students, teaching book-binding, drawing, watercolor technique and illustration and lecturing about my work.

NPR's Weekend Edition
Story on our kid's book, The Clock without a Face

I recently visited some classes at the great PS 154 in Brooklyn to talk about The Clock Without a Face

"Class 5-306 had such a great visit with the super talented Scott Teplin.  We loved his presentation and hearing the background on The Clock Without a Face! Mr. Teplin had a great sense of humor and an intriguing personality.  We loved hearing about the real life scavenger hunt that went on to find the mysterious jeweled numbers. Please tell us if you ever do this again!!! It was so cool to ask Mr. Teplin all the questions we were so curious about. Thank you, Scott Teplin!"

-Class 5-306, P.S. 154, Brooklyn, NY

"As the illustrator of The Clock Without A Face, Scott Teplin brought a truly unique perspective to our Meet The Author program. Scott had our fifth graders riveted as he described his creative process and gave us all an insider’s view of this fascinating book. His illustrations are highly detailed, beautifully drawn and full of humor.  Our students had a ball unraveling the mysteries on every page right along with Scott. Well-prepared, Scott fielded tons of questions, passed around his sketchbook, and took us through a great, interactive presentation. He left our students motivated and inspired. What more could we ask for?"

-Tasha Blaine, Chair of P.S. 154’s Meet The Author Program
