More sketchbook stuff

I wish I could post some new stuff I've done but it's for publication and I'm supposed to wait after until it....published. Here's some sketchbook stuff form last week.

Recent sketchbook stuff

Somehow these little fuckers called otoliths (limestone/protein rocks we use for balance) in my inner ear were knocked loose giving me extreme vertigo for two goddamned days. All you can do is lie flat in the dark, not moving. They're normally on a …

Somehow these little fuckers called otoliths (limestone/protein rocks we use for balance) in my inner ear were knocked loose giving me extreme vertigo for two goddamned days. All you can do is lie flat in the dark, not moving. They're normally on a bed of gel that houses tiny hairs that wave like wheat in wind when you move your head. The hairs are connected to your brain via nerves - and holy shit - it can fuck you up. It's like lying down on a bed really drunk and the room starts spinning like crazy and keeps spinning (for 48 hours straight) until either the stones find their way back to the pile of other otoliths or your brain rewires itself to compensate for the new arrangement. They evolved to get small in our ears but they're huge in fish. People make jewelry out of fish otoliths - something I don't have an opinion about - which is surprising. It's something I would normally feel one way or the other about.

progress on Big Canal room

52" x 62" - pencil is erased as first layer of ink is applied. After second layer of in watercolor begins.