68" x 45" pen & ink and watercolor

BIG HOSPITAL Kickstarter launch!

I did kind of a 'soft' launch for my BIG HOSPITAL Kickstarter campaign today. I'll do all of the irritating announcement shit tomorrow. I've been working on making some fun (DUMB) videos for it - so please check out the campaign and watch them if you have a few minutes. I was lucky enough to have John Culhane doing my shooting AND editing, PLUS Nathan Parker Smith composing and playing the music for each video. Click for a hi-res version to see details.

video title: TESTIFY

Not a good reason to make this but it's for the title screen of an utterly ridiculous video I asked some friends to help me make for my next Kickstarter where they testify how awesome BIG HOSPITAL is and how they use it every day to navigate their way through a real hospital. Included are two real doctors, an engineer who works with dangerous machinery and a professional yo-yoer. I have no reason for making the Donambulance gif.


INK is totally done. Watercolor starts tomorrow. 52” x 62” pen & ink BIG HOSPITAL with the original study, “Small Clinic.” We also started shooting and editing possibly the most ridiculous Kickstarter video ever made: Starring Matt Rockman as the helpful Emergency Medical Technician and me (seen below with the tube in my nose) as the drone accident victim. Shot and edited by John Culhane.

Donambulance at The Best Show

If Big Hospital has an official logo (see previous post) it should also have an official vehicle. I drew this stuff during The Best Show with the great Tom Scharpling on Tuesday night in the studio. I even got to sit in on the Half Hour of Power and participate with unscreened callers. SO MUCH FUN. Subscribe on iTunes here. I've been a dedicated listener since he started in WFMU 14 years ago and it's still by far, my favorite show. I was lucky enough to be asked to draw a map of Newbridge, NJ (it's a place referenced in all of the episodes) for the 16 CD 'best of" box set coming out in March 2015.

BIG HOSPITAL progress report

First layer of ink is done

for some reason I made a logo (??)