68" x 45" pen & ink and watercolor


INK is totally done. Watercolor starts tomorrow. 52” x 62” pen & ink BIG HOSPITAL with the original study, “Small Clinic.” We also started shooting and editing possibly the most ridiculous Kickstarter video ever made: Starring Matt Rockman as the helpful Emergency Medical Technician and me (seen below with the tube in my nose) as the drone accident victim. Shot and edited by John Culhane.

BIG HOSPITAL progress report

First layer of ink is done

for some reason I made a logo (??)

Final donuts for silkscreen prints

Drawings for Silkscreens

Inked donuts for three, hyper-colorized, limited edition silkscreen prints with the fine professionals at Kayrock Screenprinting.

Big Hospital additions

This week: helipad, nursery, MRI room and some other stuff. Next week I'm gonna add a slide from the helipad that loops around a wall and down into the liquid nitrogen snow room. Also, a biohazard bubbled-in quarantine room. The "H" on the helipad isn't really 3-D but a painting of an H on the surface. 


52" x 62" graphite in progress