Shipping work for summer shows...

The Hole History show

Scenes from the June 3 opening: HOLE HISTORY SHOW, ROCKLAND, MAINE: June 3 - June 25, 2016. Opening: June 3, National Donut Day, 5-8pm
Asymmetrick Arts / 405 Main Street
Win Wilder Hall / 328 Main Street

Baselitz sketch and Adrienne 3

George Baselitz seaweed butt doodling in my sketchbook and phase 3 of triptych portrait of my next door neighbor (pencil stage).

The Making of a Meltdown Poster

I was invited by master Meltdown illustrator and printer Dave Kloc to draw tonight's Meltdown with Jonah and Kumail poster (printed by Dave). Here's how it evolved into a 24" x 18" 4 color silkscreen (only 50 were printed!)


Getting to know my next door neighbor. He was kind enough to pose for me in order to draw a portrait study. I told him it'll be the basis for a sequential series of pretty grotesque pen & ink drawings and he still said it's cool, which is awesome. I did a triptych of myself to start the series but after completing those I cannot look at my face anymore. Added bonus, he's bald and I hate drawing ha

Big School logo playtime

4-28-16 update with the new logo watermark for business-sake

School Lunch

Pen & ink and watercolor on paper