Mary Amir, ink

Mary Amir, my old [Israeli] Hebrew School teacher, lacking depth perception. Even though she didn't allow ANY burping (or farting) in class, she was pretty nice. Though as a result of my fondness for drinking fizzy liquids, I was often sent to the Rabbi's chambers. There were 2 - one was an ego tripper ( I heard he moved to lead a Miami mega-temple) and the other one looked like a stereotype of cartoon SATAN - and he was the coolest guy EVER. Their names? Bookman and Brickman.

Teachers from Memory

I'm starting a new collaborative project with my good friend Renee French. The first phase: each of has to draw, from memory,  portraits of our school teachers (I threw in my middie-school psychiatrist just for fun). Here are my first 7 (of 10) in ink. I plan to eventually finish them with watercolor. All are 8" x 10", pen & ink.


New Collaborative effort


I'm starting a new series of drawing in collaboration with my good friend Renee French. The first series are portraits, from memory, of our gradschool teachers. These are just pen & ink - I'll watercolor them once they're firther along. We plan on drawing 10 each per series.

I has Mrs. Otto for both kindergarten and second grade.

Dr. Fred Steiger was a shrink I saw in middle school.

Lucky Peach is Out

I was fortunate enough to be asked to contribute some drawings to a new magazine called Lucky Peach, which just hit news stands this week. From the press release:

Momofuku’s David Chang, zero point zero production, and McSweeney’s present: lucky peach, a quarterly iPad application and print journal. Each issue / episode will have a theme—the first issue is dedicated to ramen.
Below is one of the drawings made for the inside cover. My timeline drawing for the history of ramen can be seen on the magazine's web site. In July - the iPad app will be available with some additional work of mine (they added 2.5 hrs of video + other stuff, along with the contents of the magazine).
All of the items in the stomach are objects that appear in the magazine