Custom donut drawings for my (now ended) Kickstarter campaign. Click each donut to see what word the person who ordered had requested. But PLEASE CALM DOWN - you can get a custom-made donut drawing for yourself right here.
Escher Spooge
Escher Spooge. 10"x12" pen & ink and watercolor. Still interested in these nonsensical "room" structures, trying to push them to see what happens. I'm so fucking sick of drawing little tiny beds and picture frames to fill the "rooms" but one interesting aspect to making the room drawings is the initial "building" stage where I'm making the walls and stuff. Making it all make spatial sense is an interesting challenge once they get really complicated. I set up basic logical rules to follow when penciling it in. This time around I'm trying to unfollow that particular spatial rule as much as possible (but still within certain parameters) to see where it leads. I think I might try this one on a larger scale. Rules for this one: keep all widths the same for all planks, limit color palette (though this can be pushed much harder), constrain overall shape to paper parameters (no bleed, which implies infinite space) to keep it warm and claustrophobic. It's interesting to see what little tweaks make it easier or harder to look at for any length of time. Adding the Spooge kinda ruins the Escher illusion a bit. And that's ok.
Borneo House
Kickstarter commissions
New One, inked
Indoor Fountain = Droopy Trees
SKITTLES (finished)
Just screwing around with watercolor and gif's...............
68" x 45" pen & ink and watercolor
Kickstarter is at 200%!
Still a ton of great rewards left, plus you get a Big Hospital print to help guide your way [in life].
BIG HOSPITAL Kickstarter launch!
I did kind of a 'soft' launch for my BIG HOSPITAL Kickstarter campaign today. I'll do all of the irritating announcement shit tomorrow. I've been working on making some fun (DUMB) videos for it - so please check out the campaign and watch them if you have a few minutes. I was lucky enough to have John Culhane doing my shooting AND editing, PLUS Nathan Parker Smith composing and playing the music for each video. Click for a hi-res version to see details.
BIG HOSPITAL nearing the bend
The title screen for the main Kickstarter video is DRONE. That's what this is for.
video title: TESTIFY
Not a good reason to make this but it's for the title screen of an utterly ridiculous video I asked some friends to help me make for my next Kickstarter where they testify how awesome BIG HOSPITAL is and how they use it every day to navigate their way through a real hospital. Included are two real doctors, an engineer who works with dangerous machinery and a professional yo-yoer. I have no reason for making the Donambulance gif.
Custom Donuts cream font
BIG HOSPITAL watercolor progress
Gearing up to gather rewards for upcoming Kickstarter campaign