I'm doing this one thing...

Open Studios 2010 is a rare portal into the artists' creative habitat and a unique opportunity for the public to witness our vibrant and diverse community of 71 contemporary artists.
EFA artists work in a wide range of media and artistic sensibilities offering a significant slice of contemporary art culture in a single setting.
Meet the Artists. Witness the process. See where art is created.
Participating Artists:
Samira Abbassy, Amina Ahmed, Clytie Alexander, Marianne Barcellona, Jaq Belcher, Jimbo Blachly, Patty Cateura, Heejung Cho, Sang-ah Choi, Cecile Chong, Patricia Collins, David Collins, Vicky Colombet, Michael Eade, Cui Fei, Suzan Frecon, Beth Ganz, Del Geist, Lauren Gohara, Ana Golici, Nicolae Golici, Mahmoud Hamadani, David Greg Harth, Pablo Helguera, Marietta Hoferer, Alice Hope, Jeff Hoppa, Catherine Howe, Eunjung Hwang, Hong Seon Jang, Susan Jennings, Richard Jochum, Tamiko Kawata, Jane Kent, Jena Kim, Noah Klersfeld, Kristian Kozul, Greg Kwiatek, Sarah Leahy, Patricia Leighton, Dan Levenson, Dominic Mangila, Katinka Mann, Morgan O'Hara, Jihyun Park, Dane Patterson, Gary Petersen, Thomas Pihl, Scott Reynolds, Jaye Rhee, Dorothy Robinson, Aristides Ruiz, Hilda Shen, Karina Skvirsky, Adam Parker Smith, Howard Smith, Suzanne Song, Xin Song, David Storey, Sali Taylor, Dannielle Tegeder, Scott Teplin, Yuken Teruya, Hank Willis Thomas, Austin Thomas, Mark Tribe, Liselot van der Heijden, Carlos Vega, Marjorie Welish, Bryan Whitney, Saya Woolfalk
Opening Reception: Thursday, Oct. 14, 6-10PM
Open Studios: Friday, Oct. 15, 6-9PM
Open Studios: Saturday, Oct. 16, 1-5PM
Visit the Member Artists’ Gallery for more information on each artist